Youth at Hope West Melton

Haere mai!

Hope Youth exists to care for, nurture and support young people’s wellbeing from Intermediate (Year 7) right through to Senior High School (Year 13). We are a dedicated and passionate team that love doing life together, journeying with young people in schools, at church, and throughout the week in the myriad of programmes that we offer. Our Youth Pastor and Youth Leaders are committed to connecting with young people and empowering them through mentoring and discipleship.

Hope Youth is a ministry dedicated to the one, true God. We wholeheartedly love God and are constantly in pursuit of Him. We do life well and enjoy the progression with all its turbulence. If you are wanting to be challenged in a safe and fun environment then come along. 

Vinnie Wallace

At The Table is our youth program that runs during the Sunday morning service at Hope West Melton. It is here that we engage in lessons and discussions about the Bible, life, the nature of God, and issues of faith. Here we like to go deeper and challenge our young people to critically think about who God is, and why it is that they have or have not yet chosen to follow him. 

At The Table (ATT) - Sunday Morning Youth

As You Are (AYR) - Sunday Night Youth Service

This is a fortnightly youth service run by youth, for youth. If you are in Years 9-13 and would like to explore church and faith with people your own age (or if you just want a free dinner), then this is the place for you. We run at Hope West Melton, every second Sunday, 6:30 - 8:00pm.

Youth Hangout

For Years 7-13 at Hope West Melton, 3:00 - 4:30pm. This is a very relaxed after school hangout space with games, snacks, and drinks! If you need a place to go after school, or you just don't want to go home yet, grab your friends and come hangout in Ramaroa - our youth building. 


Ramp is Hope West Melton's youth group, for Years 7-13 at Hope West Melton (unless otherwise specified), 7:00 - 9:00pm every Friday night during term time. Come join a great community of young people and take part in games, competitions, social events, and even the occasional camp - all while learning more about God and the Bible.